Sunday, 18 April 2021
Pronunciation Quirks
Friday, 16 April 2021
At long last, audio of Pádraig de Paor
Here we have a tiny clip of Pádraig de Paor. From speaking with people who are interested in or are studying Gaelic dialects with few or no living speakers, I understand that trying to learn said dialect is very difficult without a good bit of audio recording. Reading about its phonology is helpful but it would be impossible to properly know what a language or dialect sounded like without audio to supplement.
The clip itself lasts 29 seconds with only 14 of those being uninterrupted since a man and woman begin to talk about something to do with transcribing. I got the clip from this 'Gaeilg Chill Chainnigh' blog post. The link was dead but thankfully somebody in the comments posted a new link to it, so thank you Cathal!
Unfortunately, I don't know what radio programme this is from or if more of the complete audio is available online apart from this Twitter post from Seaghan Sionnach. I'd guess from the dated and almost British sounding prestige register of Hiberno English that the gentleman uses that this is from 20+ years ago but I wouldn't be sure. I have contacted the UCD archive and received news that I may receive all of the audio at some point in May. Unfortunately though, I may not be able to share it due to it not being my audio.
Here I'll be giving my attempt at a phonemic transcription along with the original Irish and English translation. I have used /r´/ instead of /ʒ/. My skill in this is not great so I would appreciate feedback.
I don't know how to insert audio into blogger so here's a video.
"Bhí feirm- ... bhí feirmeoir ann fadó, agus chua' fear bocht ag gearradh brosna aitinn ar chnoc. Tháinig an feirmeoir air agus d'fhiafraigh sé ..."
"There was a farmer long ago, and a poor man went cutting gorse wood on a hill. The farmer came and he asked ... "
/v´i: f´er´əm´ ... v´i: f´er´ə'm´u:r´ u:n [?] fado agəs xuə f´ar boxt ə g´arə brosnə at´əŋ´ er xruk .../
Here we can see a number of the features I described in my previous post. An interesting point is how vowels are generally raised in the presence of a nasal consonant such as in feirmeoir and ann. The fortis/lenis distinction was not made at this time in Kilkenny and no such phonemic distinction had been present for easily 100 years. As like the rest of Munster, the vowels here shifted or broke in order to stop the merging of words. This happened differently in different areas.
Some 'seanfhocail agus seanchainteanna' from Iarsmaí de Ghaeilig Chontae Chill Choinnigh
Risteard Breatnach (R. A. Breatnach), born in 1911 in County Kilkenny, was a linguist who wrote prolifically on Gaelic dialects and is said to have had a mastery unrivalled by few other scholars in the history of the language's scientific study. He contributed significantly to Éigse covering many topics and published several books. Another scholar also confusingly called Risteard Breatnach (R. B. Breatnach) wrote a study on Ring Irish which is a useful resource for anybody interested in that dialect and likely a useful resource for people interested in East Munster Irish generally.
Being a Kilkenny man, Breatnach was drawn to conduct a study of the dialect from his own home county which he did as his master's dissertation. As useful as this would be for my own effort, I'm not able to get it as it remains unpublished in UCD's library. Part of this study, however, was published in Éigse Volume XXVI in 1992 under the title 'Iarsmaí de Ghaeilig Chontae Chill Choinnigh' meaning 'Relics/Remnants of Irish from County Kilkenny'. The article contains some useful information about the dialect as well as the main informant and likely last speaker, Pádraig 'an Paorach' de Paor. De Paor, who has gone by many names, was said to have been a very fluent speaker and provided Breatnach with a number of seanfhocail (proverbs, 'old-words'), seanchainteanna ('old-sayings') as well as several verses and prayers.
In this quick post, I will be showing some of the seanfhocail and seanchainteanna that I like and I will go through the meaning, pronunciation as well as cool dialectal features. Breatnach gives all of these using spelling that is a fair mix of dialectal Munster and standard but I will put into brackets any spelling that could also work. Most of these are fine and no majorly disastrous standardisation has occurred but spelling is a complicated issue in Irish dialects that I won't get into.
The transcription here is phonemic and in Celticist. Heinrich Wagner also listened to tapes of de Paor and gave much narrower phonetic transcriptions in his Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects (LASID). I am currently trying to get a hold of the audio but have only got a tiny bit as writing this.
Mara bhfuil (buil) ba ar na cnoic agam, thá suaineas (súineas) insa sop agam.
/mɑrə bil´ bɑ eʒ nə knik´ əgom, hɑ: su:n´əs ənsə sop əgom/
This one means 'If I've cattle in the hills, I can rest (lit. have safety in the sop)'. This is almost identical to a phrase my father once used, 'If you've cattle in the hills, you've money in the bank'. Cattle are valuable things and keeping them in the commonage in the hills will keep them safe because as my dad put it, they're untouchable and they can only multiply.
Straight away, we have some identifiably East Munster features. thá and buil as variants of tá and bhfuil are known to be features of Déise Irish currently spoken in Ring Co. Waterford and the two were used in the South Tipperary variety of this dialect too. However, thá is occasionally used in most dialects varying by the speaker and is the most common form in Scotland as tha. In Kilkenny texts that do use both tá and thá, thá is overwhelmingly dominant. It seems that buil was always spelt bhfuil, but I have never encountered the latter in phonetically transcribed material.
A distribution of phonetic [a] and [ɑ] for phonemic /a/ is common to Irish dialects, however, Breatnach lists these as two separate short vowels /a/ and /ɑ/ without outlining what exactly the difference is. These were not distinguished in any historic Gaelic variety that I know of, so it's not possible that this is an older distinction which just happened to be lost in every other modern recorded Gaelic dialect. The other Breatnach (R. B. Breatnach) also does not give these as separate in his study of Ring Irish. I cannot find a single minimal pair and there are multiple places where Breatnach notes that de Paor had /a/ where he would have expected /ɑ/ like in /sagərt/. I suspect the difference might be that /ɑ/ is used in the presence of dorsal consonants (/k/, /g/, /x/ etc.) but that would be a complementary distribution so that doesn't make sense either. This all leads me to believe that the distinction was in fact not phonemic, but who am I to question Breatnach? He was a scholar and knew the dialect better than I do so I'll have to trust his judgement for now.
For the preposition ar which corresponds roughly with on, we have another strikingly Kilkenny/Ossory feature. This word is pronounced with a final slender r /r´/ and formerly spelt 'air' as in Scotland today*. The pronunciation of slender r /r´/ as something like [ʒ] is very peculiar. It looks like the consonant became so palatalised that became a full fricative, similar to what occurs in parts of Erris Co. Mayo, however, the pronunciation is slightly different and I will cover this in a future post with audio. This is particularly strong in speakers from the Dún Chaocháin peninsula and can be heard used by Pádraic Ó Gionnáin from Cill a' Ghallagáin here.
Breatnach makes a habit of using /ʒ/ rather than /r´/ in his transcriptions. This is an interesting choice as it allows him to note places where this sound is devoiced and so is pronounced the same as /s´/. This has certainly lead to a number of words being reanalysed so I suspect that this is how Pádraig de Paor and other speakers would have phonemically analysed it but I can't say for certain.
For cnoic, we have another peculiar one. This word as well as many others beginning with an initial consonant cluster composed of any plosive + /n/ (also all lenited and eclipsed forms) is often pronounced with the /n/ as /r/ outside of Munster. T. F. O'Rahilly wrote in Irish Dialects Past and Present (1932) that this was the case in North Kilkenny whereas it was not in the South of the county. This is also repeated by Wagner in LASID but in a small clip of de Paor (who is from the South), it does sound like he is using /xr/ for chnoc. The audio, however, is very poor and it's entirely possible that I am mishearing or that both pronunciations were used as is the case sometimes in Galway or the Aran Islands.
As for /su:n´əs/, I think it's simply the case that the vowel has been smoothed. This happens with virtually every /uə/ in the article and Wagner notes several words having both smoothed /i:/ and broken /iə/ (or /i:ə/) such as scian.
insa is a common dialectal spelling for the standard sa. This older and dialectal form is written in Scotland as anns a' but as far as I can tell, is also found in every Irish dialect.Beas an oíche ag dul i ngiorracht (i giorracht)agus an lá ag dul abhfadagus na héiníní tuirseachó bheith ag déanamh nead./b´es ən´ i:hə dol ə g´irəxdɑgəs ə lɑ: dol ə vɑdɑgəs nə he:ˈn´i:n´i tirs´əx
o: v´e d´ianə n´ad/
The night will be getting shorterand the day getting longerand the birds tired
from making nests.
Pádraig de Paor also has the final -amh as /ə/ but he does not always do this. He and the two other informants in LASID use both /ə/ and /əv/ for words such as leanbh, talamh, annamh, etc. In Wagner's entry for this verb, none of the informants used /əv/.
Níl (nín) lao ná leanbh ná leanfadh a mháthair.
n´i:n´ le: nɑ: l´anə(v) nɑ: l´anhəx ə vɑ:həʒ
Friday, 9 April 2021
what's in a name
Update: Since writing this, I have discovered that a woman by the name Margaret Cody from Coolnahau, Mullinakill was recorded by Canon William Carrigan in 1933. I do not have this recording.
From now on I will be calling Pádraig de Paor exclusively by 'Pádraig de Paor' or 'de Paor'. Pádraig de Paor was one of the main informants for Kilkenny/Ossory Irish material, the only native speaker I know to have been recorded, the last fluent native speaker and quite possibly the last speaker altogether. Annoyingly, he has gone by an array of names which I have listed below.
- Pádraig de Paor
- an Paorach
- Pádraig Paor
- Patrick Paor
- Paddy de Paor
- Paddy Power
- Patrick Power